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Dachstein Skywalk

© by Österreich Werbung, Photo: Karl Thomas

With only an inch of glass or steel between you and the abyss – Dachstein Skywalk is one of the coolest places in Austria.

Not only one but two spectacular viewing platforms that send you over the edge. At 2700 metres (8858 ft) above sea level, the views of the surrounding valleys and mountains from the Dachstein Skywalk are breathtaking.


The suspension bridge that takes you from the cable car station, with only a vertical wall below your feet, is the latest addition to the Dachstein Skywalk. Additionally, you find a short stairway (nope, not to heaven) that goes down and out into nothing. This is THE selfie spot on the mountain. Furthermore, at the end of the suspension bridge, you have the entrance to the ice palace, which is also fantastic.

Roof riding

If the viewing platforms are not enough, you can hitch a ride on the roof of the gondola, which takes you up or down the 900 metres between the mountain and the valley. This is where you get close to the elements. Although completely safe, this is not for the faint-hearted. However, only one of the gondolas has a roof platform. Thus, check with the ticket counter to catch the correct departure with the panorama gondola.

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Check the weather forecast

Check the weather report before you head up on the mountain. At a ticket price of € 37 (ex., Ice Palace and suspension bridge), you want to get the spectacular views you came for. I once was fooled by the sun shining from a blue sky and went up. Unfortunately, ten minutes after I arrived at the top, a snowstorm hit the mountain, and the views went from spectacular to zero within minutes. However, at least the Apfelstrudel in the restaurant was very good.



Although most summer tourists come for the skywalks, there are plenty of activities to do in the mountains. Snowboarding, skiing, cross-country, climbing, paragliding and hiking, depending on the season and snow conditions. Even for easy hikes, this is a good starting point. Well-signed trails take you through stunning alpine scenery. So bring your hiking boots and proper clothing and enjoy a few hours of hiking.

Lovely alpine village

Visiting the Dachstein Skywalk, we recommend staying in the lovely mountain village of Ramsau am Dachstein, which is only 9 km from the cable car station. This is a typical Austrian village and a popular alpine retreat both in the summer and winter. You can find a wide range of accommodation in and around the village suitable for most tastes and budgets.

Der Dachstein - Dachstein Skywalk, Styria, Austria
The map shows you all the opportunities for hiking and skiing in the Dachstein area. For more info, click on the image.
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Written by Arnold Weisz

Globetrotting multilingual communications specialist born in Vienna, Austria – with passion for scuba diving, golf and culinary delights! 15 years of experience as a scuba- and travel reporter for among others: X-Ray Dive Magazine and Dykking.